Hoopy Who? Hoopy Why?

I started Hoopy in the summer of 2022 as a passion project. I have been working in tech for the past couple of years, the past two years in a remote startup. My day to day job involves curating the best experiences and community for people in tech world and empowering them in their careers. Hoopy is my way of empowering people who are not in tech by supporting artisanship while curating traditionally rooted yet urban experiences for creators, innovators, artists, artisans and people of passion who approach what they do with genuine care and a high degree of intentionality. 


We chose ‘Hoopy’ as our name. We’re living in a time where happiness is defined by feeling good rather than doing good i.e. living in compatible with your values, cherishing being part of a community and searching for meaning. We wanted to be not only happy but also Hoopy, like a Hoopoe ; a mystical bird that represents wisdom and courage to take a journey into self exploration. 


Last but not least, we chose ‘Wearable Heritage with Joy’ as our mantra. We believe heritage does not belong to museums only, but it can be cherished here and now and can be a great source of enjoyment. We are fascinated by the care and beauty embedded in the traditional textiles, methods of productions, forms and patterns and we’d like to bring that care and beauty back to the city.


I’m moved by the support and appreciation for this project from all of you and I’d like to connect more with you in 2023 whether online or in person.



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